Euro War Rug
2m x 2.85m
Production et acquisition FRAC Aquitaine et La Galerie Noisy Le Sec. 2016, 2017
Le tapis et les faïences mettent en scène des Zadistes (activistes occupant des ZAD (zones à défendre) et des forces de l’ordre. Les activistes s’opposent aux constructions de “grands projets inutiles”. Sur ce tapis c’est surtout de la ZAD du Testet dont il est question. A Sivens (ZAD du Testet), c’est la construction d’un barrage qui est contestée.
2m x 2.85m
The scenes on the rug are drawn from real conflict opposing activist and police in rural France. The activist are opposing the construction of a dam and burying their bodies to protest among other things.
The title refers to the Afghan war rugs, rugs wildly collected in the occidental world, and highlight the battles taking place locally.
The rug was fabricate by a fair trade non profit.
Vues de l’exposition B.D. Factory Photographie Jean-Christophe Garcia
San Francisco Landscape
Wool Rug
120cm x 150 cm
Protect the sacred
Wool Rug
5' x 6'
Wool Rug
6' x 6'
190 x 190 cm
Jerome Laronze is a young cow farmer that was killed by the French police in 2017.
His family still has not gotten a trial.
Occuper, Resister, Cultiver
(Occupy, Resist, Cultivate)
Wool rug
3' x 4'
Drawing for new wool rug
300 cm x 300cm
9' x 9'